
What I’m thankful for…

On this Thanksgiving Eve, I’ve been thinking about what I’m most thankful for… here’s a bit of what I’ve come up with.

First, and foremost, I’m thankful for my husband. His endless support and love has been such a source of strength for me over the past almost seven years we’ve been together. Through this love, I’ve been able to discover many things about myself that I may otherwise never have learned. To be loved this way surpasses every fantasy I ever had about “Prince Charming” or “Mr. Right”. He is an amazing man, and I’m so grateful for everything he’s given to me - and to my sister.

Speaking of Missy, I’m thankful that my “ ” sister is a spirited, strong young woman (though I’m a bit perturbed by her recent report card, grr!). When an asshole boyfriend started a nasty rumor about her, she didn’t hesitate to dump his ass, and I’m so glad she has the self-confidence to do that. I’m thankful that she listens and respects what I have to say to her, and hope it makes a difference.

I’m thankful that I refuse to give up on myself, and that my body has been cooperating and the scale is moving. Though I try not to focus on it, we all know seeing that number go down makes this process a hell of a lot easier!

I’m thankful to have a fairly decent relationship with my mother, because once I couldn’t have dreamed it possible. Eleven years ago, when she was spending her first Thanksgiving in my life clean, if anyone had told me we’d be where we are today, I’d have laughed at them. I’m thankful I found the inner courage to trust her again - and that it has worked out as well as it has!

I’m thankful for our beloved dog, because he makes every day better and happier, just by being his adorable, fuzzy self. He’s just the greatest dog ever.

And, I’m thankful for the support you all give me. If I hadn’t begun this blog (my husband inspired it, btw), I don’t think I’d be where I am today. I’d probably still be over 400 pounds, struggling to figure it all out. Instead, I’m 385. something (I never seem to remember that part) - yes, I saw a “new” low this morning - and 13% of the way to my 30 x 30 goal!!! I’m still struggling to figure it all out, but it’s a lot less of a struggle when you have the support of other people going through the same process!

So, thank you all for reading. To my American readers, have a great Thanksgiving… to my Canadian readers, I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving last month. To everyone else… be thankful it’s almost Friday ;) and have a wonderful weekend!